naukowo 2

Artykuły w zagranicznych czasopismach

J. Piwowarski, L. Yankovska, B. Koshovyi, I. Von-Nagy, A. Yevstakhevych, Empowering Theory of Poverty Reduction for Sustainable Development: Does the Welfare of Descendants Matter?, “PROBLEMY EKOROZWOJU – PROBLEMS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, 2022, vol. 17. No. 1, pp. 52-63.

M. Jurgilewicz, N. Malec, J. Piwowarski, B. Kozicki, Forecasting the Reserve Money of the Central Bank of Poland in the Aspects of Economy Security, “Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues”, 2021, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 525–536.

J. Piwowarski, B. Kozicki, M. Jurgilewicz, N. Malec, Managing the Financial Security of Organizations During the Covid-19 Pandemic – Multivariate Analysis, “Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues”, 2021, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 537–546.

R. Sopilnyk, J. Piwowarski, Access to a genuinely independent and impartial trial: a review of the sixteenth sustainability goal completeness, “Law, Business & Sustainability Herald”, 2021, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 43-53.

J. Piwowarski, E. Brodziak, International Scientific Conference: “LVIII CICA – XVI Security Forum Krakow 2021”, “Politické Vedy”, 2021, vol. 24, no. 2/2021, s. 214-217,

J. Piwowarski, Book Review: The Approaches to Creating Security and Defence Strategies / Recenzia na knihu: Přístupy k tvorbě bezpečnostních a obranných strategií , “Politické vedy” 2020, vol. 23, no. 2/2020, s. 253–256, [recenzja].

J. Piwowarski, W. Czajkowski, Behavioural and Motivational Factors of Individual’s Behaviour in Emergency Situations, “International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization”, Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania, 2018, Vol. XXIV, No 2, ISSN 1843-6722, Online ISSN 2451-3113, s. 362-372.

T. Kośmider, S. Krizovsky, J. Piwowarski, The Axiological Dimension of Security From the Point of View of Sustainable Development, „18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018”, vol. 18, ISBN 978-619-7408-49-2, ISSN 1314-2704, s. 289–296, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2018/5.4/S22.037.

J. Piwowarski, Ecological Security From the Point of View of the Culture of Security and Sustained Development, „18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018”, vol. 18, ISBN 978-619-7408-49-2, ISSN 1314-2704, s. 393–400, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2018/5.4/S23.050.

T. Ambroży, L. Kručanica, M. Ozimek, A. Stanula, J. Piwowarski, T. Mucha, Management of physical fitness training as a praxeologiocal factor of safety culture, “Košická Bezpečnostná Revue” 2017, Vol. 7, No. 2, Koszyce, ISSN 1338-4880 (print ver.), ISSN 1338-6956 (online ver.), p. 1–7.

J. Piwowarski, W. Czajkowski, Sense of threat in the context of behavioural and social behaviour patterns, „Public Security And Public Order” (19), ISSN 2029-1701, ISSN 2335-2035 (Online), Kowno 2017, s. 122-134.

J. Piwowarski, A. Wawrzusiszyn, Towards More Secure EU Borders. European Border and Coast Guard, “Science and Military”, 2017, no 1, vol. 12, ISSN 1336-8885 (print), ISSN 2453-7632 (online), p. 5-13.

P. Dziekański, J. Piwowarski, Local security as an Element of Local Development. Case Study of Infrastructure And Environmental Variables of the Cities in the Eastern Poland Macro-Region, “International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization”, Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania, 2017, Vol. XXIII, No 2, ISSN 1843-6722, Online ISSN 2451-3113, s. 53-58.

P. Dziekański, J. Piwowarski, Spatial Differentiation Of Synthetic Measure Of Economic Security of Local Government. Case Study of Financial Variables of the Cities in the Eastern Poland Macro-Region, “International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization”, Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania, 2017, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, ISSN 1843-6722, Online ISSN 2451-3113, s. 46-52.

J. Piwowarski, A. Czop, Migracijos proceso struktūra europoje ir lenkijoje ir poveikis pareigūnų rengimui, „Public Security And Public Order” (17), ISSN 2029-1701, ISSN 2335-2035 (Online), Kowno 2017, s. 30-45.

A. Wawrzusiszyn, J. Piwowarski, Cross-border security of modern Europe, “Košická Bezpečnostná Revue” 2/2016, ISSN 1338-4880 (print ver.), ISSN 1338-6956 (online ver.), Koszyce 2016, p. 445–455.

J. Piwowarski, Nacionalinio Saugumo Kultūra Ir Valstybės Galia. Mokslinis Tyrimas, „Public Security And Public Order” (17), ISSN 2029-1701, ISSN 2335-2035 (Online), Kowno 2016, s. 223-237.

[Web of Science] T. Ambroży, H. Duda, D. Ambroży, J. Piwowarski, E. Dybińska, Интеллектуализация процесса физического воспитания в контексте формирования отдельных элементов культуры безопасности [Intelectualization of Physical Education in View of Single Aspects of Safety Culture], “Теория и практика физической культуры”, nr 11, Moskwa 2013, ISSN 0040-3601, s. 31–35.

[Web of Science] D. Ambroży, J. Piwowarski, Эстетический опыт и моральная сила в контексте формирования культуры безопасности [Aesthetic Experience and Spirit in View of Safety Culture], “Теория и практика физической культуры”, nr. 12, Moskwa 2013, ISSN 0040-3601, s. 54–57.

J. Piwowarski, Reflections on the concept of security, “Policajna teoria a prax. Police Theory and Practice”, Rocnik XXI. 1/2013, Akadémia Policajného Zboru v Bratislave, Bratyslava 2013, ISSN 1335-1370, s. 47-56.

J. Piwowarski, Ethics of Organization Culture as an Existing Condition of Security Culture, “Science & Military” 1/2013, Liptovský Mikuláš, ISSN 1336-8885, s. 41–46.

J. Piwowarski, D. Ambroży, Aesthetic Factor as a Determinant for Local Environment Management, “Law, Economy & Management”, vol. 2, no. 1, Londyn 2012, ISSN 2048-4186, s. 99–10.